Remember H1N1 aka the Swine Flu? That terrible virus that was going to sweep across the country like the Plague? What ever happened to it?
Well, H1N1 came and went like most viruses do. In fact, in August 2010, the World Health Organization declared the swine flu "pandemic" officially over. Whew! But I thought the swine flu was killing people left and right? It was spreading fast and the media was all over stories of deaths occurring as a result of H1N1. It turns out, the virus really wasn't that bad. Sure some people got sick, but even the experts agree(d) that H1N1 was/is a mild virus and mortality rates are very low. Most infections caused mild symptoms - runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches, fever, coughing, and overall not feeling well - and recovery was very fast. The majority of individuals who died as a result of swine flu infection had pre-existing conditions (congestive heart disease, suppressed immune systems, kidney disease). The death rate of H1N1 in the US is 0.02%. In other words, you have a greater chance of dying from a rare tropical disease or iron deficiency anemia than from the swine flu.
I also remember that there was an overwhelming urgency for a vaccine to stop the virus from spreading. Thankfully (insert sarcastic tone here), a vaccine was created. However, by the time the vaccines were available, the virus had fizzled out. Let em tell you how I feel about the swine flu vaccine. I hate it. It makes me very nervous. I do not like to be experimented on with new products. The vaccine is filled with several preservatives (mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum - to name a few) which I would not recommend injecting. In addition, there is a great deal of uncertainty as to whether or not the vaccine actually works. Just because you get the shot does not mean you will not get the swine flu. Also, some studies show that if you get the swine flu vaccine, you have an increased chance of getting the seasonal flu. The seasonal flu vaccine has not been shown to be any more effective than washing your hands. We have no idea how effective the H1N1 vaccine will be. I don't like it. I think this vaccine (and many others) are BIG business. Doctors have quotas that they are required to fill for most vaccines. However, 60% of doctors would not and do not get the flu shot. That should tell you something.
The best way to prevent infection: wash your hands, don't touch your face, get plenty of sleep, and don't overeat sugar. And watch out for that piggy that ate roast beef...he should have shared with the piggy that had none. Not nice piggy.
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