Ask Dr. John

With new allergens seeming to appear from out of nowhere and thousands of organic foods now available, Dr John Nowicki, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, offers insights, product advice, and thoughts surrounding these and other health and nutrition matters.

Dr. John has partnered with the Organic Wholesale Club to offer organic foods at 20-30% below standard retail. Check them out here.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Shoo Flu, Don't Bother Me

Fall has arrived, which means the kids are back in school, the leaves are beginning to change colors, and that dreaded flu-bug is about to strike at any moment. No need to worry. Here are six simple tips to help you avoid a bite by the flu-bug.

1) Avoid sugar. This includes not only cakes and candies, but also refined carbohydrates such as pastas and white bread. Sugar immediately slows and drastically weakens the immune system.

2) Identify and avoid food allergies/sensitivities. Food allergies can drain the immune system leaving you susceptible to infection. A simple blood test (available at our office) can help determine which foods you should avoid.

3) Decrease stress. Stress depletes the immune system and is one of the leading factors in immune system dysfunction. Consider prayer, deep breathing exercises, aerobic exercise, biofeedback, or a hot bath to help relieve stress.

4) Exercise. Moderate exercise (walking, light jogging, biking, swimming, etc) has been shown to stimulate the immune system, thereby increasing your natural defenses.

5) Take your vitamins and minerals. Some specifics:
•Vitamin C enhances the activity of white blood cells as they fight viral or bacterial infections.
•Vitamin A maintains proper white blood cell function and ensures optimum white blood cell levels. Vitamin A also protects the body from bacteria, viruses and parasites by maintaining mucus membrane barriers. In addition vitamin A has direct anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. CAUTION: Vitamin A can be toxic. Avoid use if pregnant or chance of pregnancy. Consult a physician before using vitamin A for long periods of time.
•Zinc enhances immune function. A zinc deficiency may result in immune dysfunction.

6)Maintain proper hygiene:
  • washing hands properly and frequently
  • covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing
  • avoiding rubbing the eyes with dirty hands
  • sneeze or cough into your upper sleeve (elbow), not your hands
  • avoid touching common surfaces like door knobs, light switches, telephones and then touching your eyes, nose and mouth
These modifications are the foundation for building a strong immune defense system and can help dramatically reduce your chances of getting the flu. A Naturopathic physician trained in the use of nutritional therapy can help determine the correct products and dosages to meet your individual needs.

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